Finally, the moment has come, Dos Gabachos Tobala! Grown wild (Silvestre) in the mountains of Ejutla, south of the Valles Centrales of Oaxaca, it is often deemed the “King of Agaves” because of its nature and crown shape. From the agave Potatorum species, it is such a remarkable mezcal that you’ll probably hear Dos Gabachos commenting on it as their favorite from time to time. The wild agave grows on rocky slopes amongst the trees and takes 13-15 years to mature. Gathering this particular Tobala is a challenging task because the heavy agave has to be carried a quarter to a half mile by man before it's strapped on a mule to be hauled another four and a half miles to the distillery. It is cooked in an oven with limestone for three days, crushed, and then fermented in wood vats for eight days. Uniquely, it is distilled only once with a “refrescadera” to preserve the smell and flavor of the wild plant. Created by Maestro Mezcalero Eugenio Lopez Garcia, the soft and sweet notes are balanced by the wood and licorice flavors, making this world-class juice a strictly sipping mezcal. Take your time and appreciate every taste of Dos Gabachos Tobabla because of how it became and what you're experiencing, which is a true masterpiece. Salud!